Death by Camels, Love and Lesbian Inmates
So the mood of this blog will be different to my others and hopefully this is one of those blog posts that will only occur once in a blue moon. So i'm currently listening to a "life sucks" spotify playlist because yes my life does suck right now.
Sick Masks make me look like a ninja/criminal/someone
who belongs in Mortal Kombat. |
I'm writing this from my sickbed, I have caught something and it has progressively got worse, over the past week, it's your typical cold symptoms, but in combination with the hot nights I am feeling absolutely shit, not to mention my hormones are running havoc with me and sending me into tearful episodes, so you can imagine I am feeling the ultimate shit fest right now. With the current outbreak of MERS in South Korea that has now reached my city the fears of me possessing it is constantly on the increase.
I haven't felt this low in a very long time, I really don't know if this has anything to do with the fact that a few weeks back I had made a really difficult choice, to cut ties with someone who for almost 8 months was the most important person in my life and someone I genuinely believed would be 'the one'. Now this isn't something I have really spoke about on here because I want to keep the mood on the positive side and despite being a mix of angry, heartbroken and being plagued by the constant bittersweet yearning for him, I do think out of the men I have ever been involved with he deserves my respect and that is why I won't divulge the details to our "relationship", but I will say looking back now, I do know I did love him, I still do, I just didn't ever had the courage to say, I guess if you know me well enough I am stubborn and I tend to put up walls when it comes to relationships, I lie to myself, pretend I am this strong person but in all honesty, I'm scared as fuck because of this very occurrence, I guess its a catch 22 sort of thing and I have no one to blame but myself. Honestly, not one day hasn't passed when he isn't constantly on my mind, even to the point the thought of him is in my dreams. Why does love have to hurt so much???
Moving on from my life woes, the week passed by pretty quick, I have learnt a few classes names but it's extremely hard when you are a Korean school that refuses to give your students English names, now if you don't know most Korean names are made up of 3 names and to add to the confusion the family name is at the beginning. Most students names are two names so it's confusing as hell, because they're not relatable so I find it so hard to remember and many names clash because they sound similar just to add to confusion. But that's not even the top of my list of frustrations, I have been here almost two months and I am getting fed up with my boss picking and choosing when she can stay here, this week I was told she is staying here Monday to Thursday, which I am extremely angry about, I refuse to let this continue any longer I am extremely ill and this is not in my contract. Why am I always unlucky with bosses who feel the need to be extremely possessive?? So yes my week hasn't been great, in combination with feeling like I am dying I had a pretty rubbish week. Until Friday came around, there was some good news, the new season of Orange is the New black was released on Netflix earlier than anticipated, so I spent my Friday evening ill but "happy" in bed watching it religiously, I say happy with quotation marks because as much as I laughed, I cried a hell of a lot too, I genuinely was not expecting so much feels.
My baby |
Ta bokki |
Gaturdays always makes my week way better, Mimi and I went on our usual bike ride, I brought my beautiful new bicycle and Mimi rented a brand new beautiful bicycle which actually looked like it could be my bikes twin sister. We didn't cycle along the river very long because the heat was really bad and I felt extremely ill, so we just cycled around shops and had lunch. We had Kim bob because I was feeling sick I couldn't stomach much food and we had "Ta Bokki" on the side which is a spicy vegetable, noodle mix in sauce with long rice cakes, which is great for the cold.
Organic Macha Green Tea Smoothie |
After the meal we cycled to Gong Cha the best place for teas and smoothies of every variety, normally I order a Taro milk bubble tea when I visit, but I was laying off any dairy due to my cough. Instead I ordered a delightful Organic Macha Green Tea Smoothie with a milk foam,
I know I just said no dairy but it looked so goooooood, plus I reckon foam was probably better than normal milk itself.
Afterwards, I headed home and spent the rest of Saturday evening continuing my OITNB binge watch whilst munching on Katsu Kim Bob which resulted in me going to sleep at 5.30am just because my cold was keeping me awake and I was so hot even with the fan on. I ended up sleeping through most of today because I am just so Ill still and extremely tired. But here's to a new week, due to my sickness I had to abstain from my 30 Day challenge but I want to start it again from Day 1 again as soon as I am healthy again.
Here's my closing thought for the blog: Is it better to have love and lost? or to not have loved at all?