Wet, wild and freaky nakedness!
my babies (students) and me at the water park |
Well another week has passed, the first week back to work mind, but it was the easiest week of work ever!!!!! I came back to work (on Tuesday) when the kindy were off for summer, but the school failed to mention this so you can imagine my frustration the first day I was up early after 3 hours sleep waiting for a school bus that never arrived and then arriving at school at 9.30am to be told I didn't need to be there until 12.30pm.
The foreigner is always the last to know!!! Well after establishing this the whole week except for Friday was a 12.30 start woo!!! Friday was the exception as it was the day of the elementary school trip at the waterpark, which was so damn fun!!!
just before i started having a water fight with my students |
Now we all know how possessive and slightly crazy my boss is, well this day was no exception,
why you so obsessed with me??? She was insisting I join her in the spa, now if you don't know traditional Korean spa's consists of removing
EVERYTHING!!!!!! So you can imagine how uncomfortable I felt when she insisted me, Scarlett and our manager joined her. I voiced my concerns to my manager who is very kind and understanding and she managed to get us out of it.
To be honest no amount of money or her insisting would have seen me remove even one piece of clothing or sit in that tub with her!!! I downright refused, there was no way this woman was gonna catch a glimpse of my bare flesh not in a million years!!! The sense of relief flooded me thinking yes this is a victory I do not have to see my boss naked and I can die happy with that thought, little did I know what was to come later! So once the trip came to the end of course the kids had to take a shower and get washed, now all the kids stripped down completely in the buff which didn't bother me these are children, but I was surprised how open they are about their nudity here, the changing rooms all the women walk about completely naked. It was time to help the girls shower and I was soon warned by Scarlett our boss was completely naked in the showers with the girls helping them wash.
Never in a million years would this ever be allowed in a western school! In fact me and Scarlett were the only clothed people in that whole shower room! Straight away the principal came to us completely naked and asked us if we showered straight away we were like "YES!" because we really didn't want to get naked.
strawberry and red bean bing soo. |
We got back for 4pm and i finished at 4.30
2 hours early wooo!!! The awesomeness didn't end there, after work me and my gal from work Scarlett went out for some Korean dessert at Cafe Bené, it was stupidly hot so it was well needed. I met her sister Yun So, for the first time and bless she is the sweetest girl I have ever met, after Korean dessert we went to a place called 'Chicken in the Kitchen' we ordered Korean chicken, half of which were spicy and half were original, with a side of dips and some wedges, we were given a complimentary pizza and Korean frozen dessert. We drank lots of Soju probably the best part of the evening, we started with shots of peach soju, then pomegranate, then blueberry then we moved onto 'Somac' which consisted of 3 the big bottles of Cass beer and a bottle of Soju.
beer and soju |
Scarlett's sister stopped drinking after the first bottle of Soju so Scarlett and I were drinking like no tomorrow! It took me a while to realise I was drunk because it was going down so easy and this was all assisted with Korean drinking games which was so much fun. I learnt some new Korean words and phrases. The main and most important being "cheers" in Korean, which is "Jan" :D it was nice, we spoke about life, our plans on travelling, the ups and downs of work and just how awesome we thought of each other, it was super nice. Scarlett and I have very similar personalities, mindsets and tastes which is amazing. It wasn't until the next morning, did I realise I could not remember anything after getting to my apartment, I don't remember falling asleep, its a complete mystery to me! I spent my Saturday sleeping and watching Netflix and today I went to downtown to pick up a few things, did shopping, manicured and pampered. I still haven't got round to doing a clean and tidy, it will have to wait until tomorrow! My bed calls!
Peace out sweets x.