The double edged sword...
Well my darlings, another weekend has been and gone, its Sunday night, I'm lying in bed as I write this, scoffing on Korean Melon cake and sipping on a proper cup of PG Tips. I'm not feeling 100%, so much so I actually have done no cleaning whatsoever today and I've only managed to load and unload the washing machine a few times. I've had to drag my sorry ass out of the house to buy some food at the local Y-mart just so I could eat dinner. I am feeling very sorry for myself because I'm lacking major TLC during this time of sickness. I'm making the most of the last day of the weekend before the 30 day challenge starts by scoffing cake to ease the self loathing. (more information on my fitness journey other blog here.)So, lets begin in true Cherry travel blog fashion and talk about my week, now this week was only 4 days due to Buddhas birthday last weekend (I was broke so didn't do anything particularly out of the ordinary, hence no blog last weekend), which made the week go by rather fast and it got to Friday, the best day of all or so I thought with having no classes until 2.40pm. I went through the day happy as Larry munching on free home made Kim bob for lunch and was chilling on the internet until my first class.

After we were done window shopping and getting everything I needed, we headed for NC Wave department store, which so far is my favourite place in the whole world, affordable but excellent quality stuff all under one roof but also designer stuff (I was eyeing up the Michael Kors handbags and designer sunglasses). The reason we headed for there was because I needed an umbrella and two, I had planned on purchasing some shoes that were essentially Toms at a cheaper price and a different label (they were pretty much identical except they had a different tag on them). I realised the splurge on that watch had an immediate effect on my bank balance and it became just window shopping and saying goodbye to the Tom's prettier and more affordable cousin. I also happened to fall in love with some purple leopard print open toe jelly pumps too, it took a lot of willpower but I manned the fuck up like a grown up should and left with my head held high and my bank account unscathed. So it was bye bye shoes hello boring shopping for real essentials...

Jest and I had planned to hike Mudeung mountain early this morning with our Korean friend, but I was not in the best state physically and this morning feeling terribly weak and tired and in pain it was a good idea I had to cancel. (Mother nature why do you hate me so??)
A rain check is in order, despite being terrified of heights, never hiking in my life and many other worries, I would like to say I have climbed a mountain and not just any mountain, an iconic mountain which happens to be situated pretty close to my house!!! So instead of climbing a huge rock that is thousands of feet tall, I spent most of my day being sick and harassed by Korean men mostly on an app that is meant to be used for language exchanging (I.e. I help you learn English you help me learn Korean), and once the messages started coming in, oh boy, did they start coming in, I spent my day managing my inbox and trying not to crash my phone and flipping back and fourth through maybe 60 different peoples conversations, I weeded out a few people because they were just creeps but the majority were really interested in helping me learn Korean and me teaching them English.
So back to reality, its now the 1st June woohoo!!!!! Next month is my 24th birthday or 26th if you are talking Korean age. It also is payday for me tomorrow and this is where it becomes the double edged sword, It's payday tomorrow but it is also Monday and that alone is enough to make my sick self just want to shut myself off from the world. But this also means I can finish off the remainder of the house hold shopping for things such as french presses and a decent water bottle for hiking, plus get those shoes and order my bicycle! Yipee!
Heres a closing thought for you... Is there any truth behind Mercury Retrograde? I've only recently become accustomed to this term and I've never believed it before but today has made me second guess that now...