
Welcome to my travel blog! This page will be including all things travel related, which will involve documenting all of my mad adventures on this blog, when I can. Conquering the world, one continent at a time!!!

Countries Travelled

Just like Animals, Animals, like Animals

19:39 Unknown 0 Comments

Well hey my delightful followers, as you can tell I am in a hella better mood than the last blog post. With good reason too, life is amazing and October is a fabulous month to be in a great mood we had Hangul day last Friday which meant a 3 day weekend!!!! I also have a wedding to attend in 7 days plus halloween is just around the corner! (honestly, where is the time going?)

I took the meaning of loving my food literally. 
So far so good, I went out with my girls Emily and Elly for some super delicious Lobster. It was amazing! Never had lobster in a while and definitely not in a restaurant it was a mini feast and I will definitely be making a trip there again despite being a little pricey.

Despite being only a 4 day week after Chuseok the week dragged due to the fact Elly and I had a trip to Seoul planned. We left Thursday night and arrived in Seoul 1am we stayed in Gangnam at a fantastic guesthouse. We got back got ready and hit the bars, clubs at almost 3am in Itaewon. It was quiet being a Thursday so we got home about 6.30am. The next day we woke up at 10.30am which was pretty early considering we didn't actually goto bed until 7am. We hit the coffee shop for some overpriced green tea latte and went shopping in Gangnam. We bought some bits and pieces, had some fantastic lunch looked around some more then headed back to our guesthouse to doll ourselves up for a Friday night out in Itaewon. Despite Seoul being so hyped up I have no real love for the place, it was nice to visit but nothing that I haven't experienced before. It's a large place like London and full of many foreigners but the population being so high is stressful and overwhelming and puts me in a constant bad mood.

Harry Potter Beer
Bulldogs food
We met up with Kasper, a friend from Gwangju who recently moved to Seoul to study, we had dinner at an English restaurant called Bulldogs, we drank Harry Potter Butter beers and ate hot dogs which was just a british banger in a bun but with a twist it had mashed potato on top with gravy lol. We drank alcohol and partied until 5am, before heading home for some well needed rest before heading back to Gwangju. Our bus back to Gwangju was at 14.15 and I we got back in good time, but there's no rest for us animals so after I had done some well needed shopping in E-mart and Elly had finished her tutoring we headed back out in Gwangju for an awesome night with all the amazing people in Gwangju we see every weekend and partied yet again until about 5am. I ended up not actually going to bed until 7am, I genuinely don't know how my body hasn't just shut down on me yet due to the amount of partying and minimal rest i have in between. Fun times Gwangju, honestly despite having a great time in Seoul with Elly, Gwangju will never be beaten, I always know whenever I'm out on the weekends here I will see tons of people I know and I am guaranteed an awesome night out!

It's all just a fond memory and nostalgia to me now, back to work tomorrow *cries*. It was amazing, laughing and loving life. Let's kick this week in the ass so I can have yet another awesome weekend :)

I'll leave you with this random video, one of many random videos we filmed whilst in Seoul. 


From strength to strength

12:27 Unknown 0 Comments

So I haven't written on this blasted thing in a while and I feel it's long overdue. My life has been a whirlwind since I wrote a blog post, I went through a lot of up and downs.

Let's get the negative out the way so I can end on a positive note.

Since I last wrote I was in a difficult place and had been for a long time I was ridiculously heartbroken and I felt so alone. You can probably remember me mentioning it in a past post but literally up until last week I was carrying this great weight inside. I hid it well I think with just drinking a shit load and going out more and meeting new people. That's the good news and I'll touch on that in the next part. I find myself everyday fighting with my thoughts trying any way to distract myself it really truly affected me, I don't know why I wasn't prepared for it because falling in love with someone does that to you.

But I'm not writing to discuss him, it's what happened during this time that I ultimately regret, I made a decision which at the time seemed like a great way to move forward and heal. Now this decision started a chain of problems of which I have only just nipped in the bud last week, I went through stresses of fighting with this guy who I called my friend, he came between me and one of my girl friends and he manipulated me at a time I wasn't at my strongest and I had let my guard down.  He was a serial liar and probably one of the best actors I have ever come across. He thought I didn't know but I knew what his real intentions were, never underestimate a girl whose been hurt a billion times, I'm already 1 step ahead of you. So me being smart I retaliated in the best way I know how, mind fuckery, I killed him with kindness but at the same time never let him win at his pathetic game playing he thought he called the shots and every time I would just shoot him down. In the end I got tired and bored of fucking with his mind so I ended our friendship. If you could ever call it that in the first place. I win asshole!!! 

Elly, Brian and Kasper and I at Tequilaz
Now every tunnel has a light even if that tunnel is like 5 months long lol so here's the light, the night the cracks in that so called friendship started to show, was also in contrast the time the day my life would change for the better. I started to make friends, I met Elly and Brian aka Hansol and Suyoung and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. From then on my friendship circle grew dramatically, literally weekend after weekend I was networking and meeting foreigners and Koreans. This was the all mighty sweet cherry hehe on top of my mountainous cake of self-loathing, since then my life has dramatically turned around I've done some amazing stuff with amazing people in the short time I've known these new friends. I can't go anywhere in Gwangju now without spotting people I am acquainted with.

Chuseok was probably the most memorable so far, I did things I wouldn't even dream of doing i.e. 40 hour benders and drinking 5 days straight. This is just the beginning too this week I am going to Seoul and the following weekend I am going to a wedding and you can't forget halloween!
Another gleaming beacon of happiness that entered my life was on the 13th September, I brought home this 3 month old ginger kitten who I've named Jackson or Jax for short after the notoriously sexy and bad ass Jackson Teller from Sons of Anarchy.

He's so sexy when he's angry ;)

Now normally I am a dog person, I still think I am at heart. But realistically cats are lower maintenance and can be left at home pretty well too, but I love my cat all the same, despite being a pain in the ass at times.
Jax loves naps

I love Gwangju here's some pics from the past few months of some of the awesome people I have met. I love here so much I am staying for a second year! Muchos Love x

More Tequilaz!

Watching ant man in 3D


Wet, wild and freaky nakedness!

16:43 Unknown 0 Comments

my babies (students) and me at the water park
Well another week has passed, the first week back to work mind, but it was the easiest week of work ever!!!!! I came back to work (on Tuesday) when the kindy were off for summer, but the school failed to mention this so you can imagine my frustration the first day I was up early after 3 hours sleep waiting for a school bus that never arrived and then arriving at school at 9.30am to be told I didn't need to be there until 12.30pm. The foreigner is always the last to know!!! Well after establishing this the whole week except for Friday was a 12.30 start woo!!! Friday was the exception as it was the day of the elementary school trip at the waterpark, which was so damn fun!!!
just before i started having a water fight with my students
Now we all know how possessive and slightly crazy my boss is, well this day was no exception, why you so obsessed with me??? She was insisting I join her in the spa, now if you don't know traditional Korean spa's consists of removing EVERYTHING!!!!!! So you can imagine how uncomfortable I felt when she insisted me, Scarlett and our manager joined her. I voiced my concerns to my manager who is very kind and understanding and she managed to get us out of it. To be honest no amount of money or her insisting would have seen me remove even one piece of clothing or sit in that tub with her!!! I downright refused, there was no way this woman was gonna catch a glimpse of my bare flesh not in a million years!!! The sense of relief flooded me thinking yes this is a victory I do not have to see my boss naked and I can die happy with that thought, little did I know what was to come later! So once the trip came to the end of course the kids had to take a shower and get washed, now all the kids stripped down completely in the buff which didn't bother me these are children, but I was surprised how open they are about their nudity here, the changing rooms all the women walk about completely naked. It was time to help the girls shower and I was soon warned by Scarlett our boss was completely naked in the showers with the girls helping them wash. Never in a million years would this ever be allowed in a western school! In fact me and Scarlett were the only clothed people in that whole shower room! Straight away the principal came to us completely naked and asked us if we showered straight away we were like "YES!" because we really didn't want to get naked.

strawberry and red bean bing soo.
We got back for 4pm and i finished at 4.30 2 hours early wooo!!! The awesomeness didn't end there, after work me and my gal from work Scarlett went out for some Korean dessert at Cafe Bené, it was stupidly hot so it was well needed. I met her sister Yun So, for the first time and bless she is the sweetest girl I have ever met, after Korean dessert we went to a place called 'Chicken in the Kitchen' we ordered Korean chicken, half of which were spicy and half were original, with a side of dips and some wedges, we were given a complimentary pizza and Korean frozen dessert. We drank lots of Soju probably the best part of the evening, we started with shots of peach soju, then pomegranate, then blueberry then we moved onto 'Somac' which consisted of 3 the big bottles of Cass beer and a bottle of Soju.

beer and soju
Scarlett's sister stopped drinking after the first bottle of Soju so Scarlett and I were drinking like no tomorrow! It took me a while to realise I was drunk because it was going down so easy and this was all assisted with Korean drinking games which was so much fun. I learnt some new Korean words and phrases. The main and most important being "cheers" in Korean, which is "Jan" :D it was nice, we spoke about life, our plans on travelling, the ups and downs of work and just how awesome we thought of each other, it was super nice. Scarlett and I have very similar personalities, mindsets and tastes which is amazing. It wasn't until the next morning, did I realise I could not remember anything after getting to my apartment, I don't remember falling asleep, its a complete mystery to me! I spent my Saturday sleeping and watching Netflix and today I went to downtown to pick up a few things, did shopping, manicured and pampered. I still haven't got round to doing a clean and tidy, it will have to wait until tomorrow! My bed calls!

Peace out sweets x.


100 days of Cherry...

17:39 Unknown 0 Comments

Well hello my internet minions, it's been a long time since I've updated, a lot has changed since I last written, and for that I apologise, it's been crazy mental here, the run ups to my vacation I was buried in so much paperwork for school, I even spent my birthday doing just work, I'm 24 now, 
I still keep forgetting that, stupid stupid Cherry. 

Scarlett and I
It's now the night before I return to work and to say the least I am not dreading it as much as I thought I would be, but I am hardly jumping for joy either. I've had an adventurous week meeting up with various friends, doing various things as you do, nothing particularly out of the ordinary, drinking and partying, shopping, eating out and chilling with the best people I know in Korea. I got paid early so I went shopping and sent out a few packages which was on my to do list for a long time, mum if you're reading this, prepare for the huge box coming your way this week! That same day I went to Sul bing with Scarlett and we did some shopping in downtown then we went to Lotte Department store which by the way is the best place in the world!!!!! Lotte is the hugest department store in Gwangju according to Scarlett. It was freaking amazing they had a lush there A FREAKIN LUSH!, Benefit, Makeup forever which is near impossible to find in England unless you know where to look ;), Clarisonic!!! Yes I will be purchasing a clarisonic next month!!!! plus all the other typical designer brands everyone knows and love with some other well known high end brands Koreans are more familiar with and also some other high end American brands too! It was down right incredible, I had goosebumps walking around that store because It felt so much like home!!!! Afterwards we visited U square bus terminal and then Shinsegae department store which again was awesome but Lotte definitely had the wow factor!
Mango and Cheesecake Dessert

My birthday cake with candles that say I am 25 (korean age)

Looking back a bit further I spent the Friday and Saturday just before my birthday with my sister we went out for dinner followed by some drinking and dancing on the Friday and stayed out until about 2.30am maybe??  We played pool, jenga, Russian roulette and I suddenly became appointed as the "DJ" of the bar that night which was a lot of fun I must say. In the usual Cherry fashion I got talking to lots of different people that night just because I am just a very social person. I met some guys from the UK, yes! You read that right from ENGLAND and SCOTLAND, Lincoln and Glasgow to be precise. It's nice to listen to people from back home talk, I kinda have started picking up the Americanised English due to the lack of Britishness!!!! After the nigh
t we headed home to mine we lit the candles, had birthday cake and popped party poppers. The cake was gorgeous it was a beautiful blueberry and yogurt cake from Paris Baguette which got totally devoured after two  days in my fridge.

Then on Saturday I spent it with Jest doing what I do best, drinking and dancing!!!!! We went to German bar then we discovered this new place which was this secret hidden gem of a bar, the bar owners are super kind and welcoming, they have a cute beagle which was wondering around the bar and on the bar itself wanting to be fed with its adorable puppy dog eyes. Jest and I drank an array of concoctions with a side of Korean sweet snacks and frozen blueberries, which mostly the dog ate because I just couldn't resist feeding him. Then we hit the usual club. As always time with Jest is always time I appreciate and enjoy. He is probably one of the nicest, most kindest of my male friends. Everyone loves the Jestmeister!

Oh yeah during this time I also took it upon myself to do the Fire noodle challenge, which I had to film twice thinking I lost the footage the first time around, (video at the end of this post.) I also tried Orange soju and Pomegranate soju which are yummy, I will be trying blueberry soon! Trust me just because it's sweet do not underestimate it's potency!

To conclude it has been a busy but fun time off for summer I just wish I had travelled somewhere :( I can't believe I have been here just over 100 days already!!! Time is flying by!!!!

Thought of the day: Which flavored soju is your favorite?

Heres the video for anyone who wants to see me eating fire noodles!


Food, booze and more booze.

15:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Leaf printing with the kids on the trip
So my lovelies, it has been 2 weeks of ups and downs with no blog posts to enlighten you with. I have a lot to write about so, here goes.... Apologies for the abundance of pictures, I will try and be concise with my words whilst updating you on the life and times of Miss Von Dee.

So where to begin, work is work. I dread Mondays, my positivity has started to tarnish a little, mainly because I am asked a lot of at work, I feel my teaching is never at a good enough standard no matter how hard I try. I need to do this and that more, I need to type up multiple things and all that need to be done before I am holiday on the 28th July.

Stunning Lake View :) 
I went to a school trip on Friday to a lake and forest, which I fucking loved, everyone was saying how hot it was, it was hot but nothing I couldn't handle, even with leggings and a long sleeved top on I was absolutely fine. I had a great Friday, it must have been the most enjoyable easiest day at work ever, I toured this forest and lake, came back to work was bought Kim Bab by the school, I sat and ate with the Kindergartens who brought their own home made Kim Bab and fruit and snacks etc. I genuinely hardly touched my lunch bought by the school because all the cute little munchkins kept toddling over with their chopsticks and feeding me their lunches, I was easily stuffed on their lunches and fruit. I think what happened was it started as a kind gesture but turned into lets feed Colleen teacher so we can get rewarded with kisses, cuddles and tickling. How can you not kiss and squeeze the heck out of their cute little selves!!! So adorable!!! I'm majorly broody just writing about it ^_^ 

The view of the mountains from the Boss's house
When I finished the remainder of my teaching for the day, me and the rest of the teachers left Gwangju and spent Friday evening eating a korean BBQ feast and drinking beer, chatting and being crazy females, that we are. It was a nice bonding experience and the teachers were so nice in paying me compliments and including me. Also the bosses, house is huge!!!!! She lives in the mountains and has the most epic view I have ever seen. It was an amazing experience and I was home by 11pm, which was awesome! I was also gifted two traditional Korean hand fans which i have no decorated my room with :) I'll update with pics later.

Sometimes I cook for two people :) Mine and Jest's dinner.
Taking advantage of the beauty bulbs in the bathroom with Mimi ;)
We have a new teacher at the school, which brightens my days, we have made multiple plans for travelling Korea together, so I'm so excited about our trips. I've been spending more time with the Jestmeister, went out for meals, drinks and clubbing, he is a delight to spend time with and I cherish our time together, it's always a good time with the Jestmeister, playing scrabble at a foreigner hotspot restaurant in downtown has to be my highlight of the past 2 weeks, followed by him teaching me the ways of playing pools like a pro, followed by beer and shit loads of tequila, best night ever! Which leads me on to my birthday, I turn the ripe old age of 24 in precisely 14 days and my plan is a meal with my friends, then followed by bars and clubs, the predicament and rather annoying thing is my birthday falls on a Sunday and I have to go back to work just for 1 day before I am off work for summer, Silly, right??!!, so it has to be done on Saturday night, it's still so bizarre to me, but I plan to get totally wrecked for it.

My passed few Gaturdays, have been partying and shopping. I've spent a shit ton on shopping for my mother and a couple of friends to send them stuff. When I've met up with Mimi we've been doing our usual, eating out and shopping and we actually hit some photo booths in town and got pics together. Asians are crazy about taking photos especially selfies and editing them!!! Now when I say photobooths, I don't mean your bog standard passport photo booth or even the ones you can do with friends, these ones here are from Japan and we all know how advance their tech is for everything!!!! This includes their photobooths! They have special lighting inside, green screen, effects, the shots can be full body shots and when you are done you can edit the fuck out of them from makeup, hair colour, to adding frames, stamps and writing in a huge selection of templates and styles. It cost a mere £2 which gives you two sets of photos of 6 (one for you and one for your friend/loved one).
Photo booth pics lol

The weather has been mad crazy here, it's hot and humid, regardless of rain and storms, I even believe it's even more humid before and after rain. Next weekend the plan is to hit the mud festival on the beach in Boryeong with Scarlett (the new teacher at my school), but we haven't put anything into action so I have no idea, but I really wanna go as this is my only chance,  I heard it's choca block with foreigners!

So that's all I have to say on the events of the past 2 weeks, Its been a blast but at the same time major stress on myself. Phew!

Closing thought:

How do you guys cope with stress? Any good techniques for de-stressing?


Nal bogo michyeo!

14:39 Unknown 0 Comments

What can I say? This week has been crazy as f*ck. I've been ill, technically I'm still not fully recovered Let's hope I don't catch MERS!!!!! D: I've been slap banged with a change to the curriculum due to new management, which meant a last minute pile of tests and vocab sheets to write. Thank F*ck for coffee! It's all done now, the big test is on Thursday but in the run ups I need to teach this vocab to them.  Grrr.. I'm slightly freakin' out about that in all honesty.

I'm also not looking forward to having to argue my working hours again on Monday, as they want to extend it by a further 30 minutes which is not in my contract and extra work I am not getting paid for plus the time I travel to get home, settle down eat, workout etc. it literally means going home and going straight to sleep with no time to unwind. 

Aside from that I'm ok, I'm planning for Busan but it might get pushed back into August just for more preparation time etc. Either way this summer I'm hitting the beaches, pushing back dates is not necessarily a bad thing as my birthday I can hold a crazy booze filled weekend and gives me more time to get this body in tip top bikini ready shape. The weight loss is going amazing! I have been here just under 2 months and i've lost more weight than I lost in that 3 months in England. I say weight loss, but the scales have not done much in changing, I however have been measuring myself regularly and I am noticing real changes!!! I reckon all the protein I'm eating means I'm gaining muscle at the same time hence the lack of weight changes. My fridge is packed full of eggs, protein milk, fruit, organic vegetables, chicken! WIN!!!! 

appetiser and sides
So the weekend was crazy, I've been so good with my spending since I got here, I've been out on the lash once and that was when I arrived, I go out Saturdays to eat and cycle with the gaturi sister, Jest came over one weekend and we drank a load of beer and soju but nothing that broke the bank, Korea I love how cheap you are! I really don't spend much money on food, it's kinda samey at the moment, but as I eat lunch at school, I find it doesn't bother me so much. So this weekend I went a little crazy on the shopping for the first time, I bought quite a few beauty things, stuff for the kids at school, stationary, some clothes and accessories. I also want to add there was sales everywhere so majority of the stuff I bought was half the price, so despite buying so much stuff I really didn't spend much at all.
spicy seafood fried rice and pho

The sis and I went to a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch, it was banging! We had a seafood fried rice and pho and an appetiser, with some ice jasmine tea, it was immense, it was so clean and healthy I was so full but not feel bloated it was awesome!  

finding my next mad conquest in a store of cute things
SURPRISE! found a tiny child's party hat 
After that we got started on the retail therapy, it felt like christmas for me, everywhere were sales and things were so damn cheap! That may seem like such a typical female thing but shopping with me is not a normal affair, in fact put me with someone just as mentally unstable together in a town full of shops *COUGH*Mimi*COUGH*, you have trouble on yours hands. I like to mess about, play and experiment with things that aren't necessarily age appropriate, be an idiot in general public in all honesty I revel in what I do best and thats be 100% crazy! Embrace the madness...or so I keep telling myself ;). Here's some fine examples of what we get up to when we were out and about in Downtown.  The weather was complete sh*t though but that didn't put too much of a downer on my weekend.

cute snapbacks! That shit Cray!
So after shopping the plan was meant to go out and have a mad all nighter getting crunk with the Jestmeister and Yunwoo, the first people I hit the clubs with when I got here actually. I haven't seen Yunwoo or spoke to him since then actually. Anyways the reason I didn't get to see them, was well a huge ass storm decided to come by and fuck up my weekend and I was buried under a load of paperwork, so Cherry's mad weekend turned out to be a quiet night in, banging out vocab sheets and tests. It wasn't so bad though, I got it all done with plenty of time to spare today, so much I had done my shopping, pampered myself, cleaned again, watched 4 episodes of game of thrones and it's still reasonably early. Is 10.30pm early? 

It's been a chill weekend and its only 10 days until payday, I still have so much dough left for this month! I still can't fathom that I send home half of my wages and still have way too much money to live off for a month!

I'm gonna close this post today with a thought: I question my sanity at times, I can't work out if I'm genuinely fucked up or if it's a coping mechanism. Is it really true, all the best people are crazy?

Asia complex downtown
Asia complex downtown

Asia complex downtown


Shopping in Korea

17:10 Unknown 0 Comments

So since I got my first pay check, I have done some well needed shopping, mostly for things I really needed but I did grab a few extra things I did want rather than need but they didn't break the bank and I still have plenty to live off and some to put aside for my birthday in Busan.

I love the fact my pay is way more than I actually need every month. I send half of it home just to pay off debts back home, by next month I would have paid off all my credit and by the end of the year everything would have been paid off.
So most of my shopping has been in downtown or on a website called gmarket. Gmarket is awesome it is actually owned by eBay and you can find everything on there at really good prices, it's actually better than eBay in my opinion. The delivery is super fast too which is epic usually things arrive next day here, the exception was my bike, but that was still really fast delivery even with the public holiday on the Saturday (yes even the postal service runs on a Saturday here usually).

This bike was stupidly cheap it cost me a mere 100,000 won (£50-£60) but you also get what you pay for,  now it isn't bad it was quick to assemble i only had to unfold the bike, put the handle bar and saddle and peddles on which took next to no time,  I just had issue with the folding part as i have never had a folding bike before, it was straight forward but I made life harder for me than necessary and the tool provided stopped gripping the screw I had accidentally tightened too tight. So I had to wait a week just to get a professional to fix that for me, at a specialized bike shop for nothing, excellent service, he even did a free safety check on the bike which according to him was necessary as the nuts and bolts etc had not been tightened by the seller, so essentially it was a miracle I had tightened that screw too tight, otherwise I could have been involved in an accident. Now my only thing I wasn't happy about was when I adjusted the seat, it would eventually start to sink down after a while no matter how tight I made it, which became increasingly irritating and had to stop and adjust it. Now i think I may have fixed the issue but I can't be sure until I test ride her again. 
Caffetiere £3, Blender £11, Ipad Cable £7

Mini Blender £11
Tiny Cafetiere £3

I also bought some well needed stuff for my health regimen, I got a blender which is so pretty adorned in it's pink cherry blossoms and so affordable, its perfect as its a mini blender ideal for 1 person using it, it's not too bad for its price, It seems a decent quality too. The cafetiere was well needed as I had ground coffee beans sent from England, and I can not live without coffee, more so now with my schedule, I rely on a cup of black coffee to keep me going everyday, I made the mistake of skipping coffee one day and my day was pure hell at work. I reckon I need to invest in a flask or something because I could do with a second coffee to get me through my second half of the day. Really good quality. :D Now I've been though a few ipad cables because the nibs keep breaking off them, thats the problem with the lighting cables, but I spent a bit more this time and invested in an really high quality cable and it's blue! 

£1.50 per MODI  nail polish
These things I bought from downtown not online, MODI polishes are the best polishes I have ever used hands down, the gloss factor, the colour choices, affordability, the longevity, the drying time. Make MODI my number 1 nail polish brand, I have no need to try any others because I am so impressed with this brand. They also sell gel polish too which I would love to invest in one day. At the moment they even offer a limited edition Sponge Bob selection of colours and gel starter kit.

I've also been raving in one of my past blogs about how amazing this face cream is, it comes in 3 varieties depending on your skin type in their own pretty coloured jar, Green = Combination Skin, Blue= Oily Skin, Pink= Dry Skin. The best cream I have used yet, especially due to the climate my skin gets oily and shiny in summer and I have constant breakouts in the T-zone because of the excess oil. This cream actually controls it and smells gorgeous, the cream itself is the same colour at the jar. It is one of the most popular creams in Korea. It was half price in the sale when I bought it, but I will be changing creams come winter time for my extra dry skin.
£6 Aqua Cream for combination Skin

Now onto footwear :) I bought a couple of shoes because i needed some other shoes other than trainers to go with outfits and for the summer that are cute. These shoes were so cheap and bought them from NC Wave department store in Downtown. The Tom style shoes are super comfy and don't differ in quality to Tom's these are cheaper, super light and come in an array of designs, so I will definitely be purchasing another pair because these lavender ones will get dirty pretty quick.

I saw the purple peep toe leopard print pumps and I had to buy them because they were so comfy and they were cheap and I don't own any jelly shoes, these will be coming with me to the beach in Busan! The only down side is they rub at the heel but I'm sure that plasters can fix that :P.

£10 for Tom style shoes

£7.50 for super comfy jelly pumps


Death by Camels, Love and Lesbian Inmates

13:57 Unknown 0 Comments

So the mood of this blog will be different to my others and hopefully this is one of those blog posts that will only occur once in a blue moon. So i'm currently listening to a "life sucks" spotify playlist because yes my life does suck right now.

Sick Masks make me look like a ninja/criminal/someone
 who belongs in Mortal Kombat.
I'm writing this from my sickbed, I have caught something and it has progressively got worse, over the past week, it's your typical cold symptoms, but in combination with the hot nights I am feeling absolutely shit, not to mention my hormones are running havoc with me and sending me into tearful episodes, so you can imagine I am feeling the ultimate shit fest right now. With the current outbreak of MERS in South Korea that has now reached my city the fears of me possessing it is constantly on the increase.

I haven't felt this low in a very long time, I really don't know if this has anything to do with the fact that a few weeks back I had made a really difficult choice, to cut ties with someone who for almost 8 months was the most important person in my life and someone I genuinely believed would be 'the one'. Now this isn't something I have really spoke about on here because I want to keep the mood on the positive side and despite being a mix of angry, heartbroken and being plagued by the constant bittersweet yearning for him, I do think out of the men I have ever been involved with he deserves my respect and that is why I won't divulge the details to our "relationship", but I will say looking back now, I do know I did love him, I still do, I just didn't ever had the courage to say, I guess if you know me well enough I am stubborn and I tend to put up walls when it comes to relationships, I lie to myself, pretend I am this strong person but in all honesty, I'm scared as fuck because of this very occurrence, I guess its a catch 22 sort of thing and I have no one to blame but myself. Honestly, not one day hasn't passed when he isn't constantly on my mind, even to the point the thought of him is in my dreams. Why does love have to hurt so much??? 

Moving on from my life woes, the week passed by pretty quick, I have learnt a few classes names but it's extremely hard when you are a Korean school that refuses to give your students English names, now if you don't know most Korean names are made up of 3 names and to add to the confusion the family name is at the beginning. Most students names are two names so it's confusing as hell, because they're not relatable so I find it so hard to remember and many names clash because they sound similar just to add to confusion. But that's not even the top of my list of frustrations, I have been here almost two months and I am getting fed up with my boss picking and choosing when she can stay here, this week I was told she is staying here Monday to Thursday, which I am extremely angry about, I refuse to let this continue any longer I am extremely ill and this is not in my contract. Why am I always unlucky with bosses who feel the need to be extremely possessive?? So yes my week hasn't been great, in combination with feeling like I am dying I had a pretty rubbish week. Until Friday came around, there was some good news, the new season of Orange is the New black was released on Netflix earlier than anticipated, so I spent my Friday evening ill but "happy" in bed watching it religiously, I say happy with quotation marks because as much as I laughed, I cried a hell of a lot too, I genuinely was not expecting so much feels.
My baby

Ta bokki
Gaturdays always makes my week way better, Mimi and I went on our usual bike ride, I brought my beautiful new bicycle and Mimi rented a brand new beautiful bicycle which actually looked like it could be my bikes twin sister. We didn't cycle along the river very long because the heat was really bad and I felt extremely ill, so we just cycled around shops and had lunch. We had Kim bob because I was feeling sick I couldn't stomach much food and we had "Ta Bokki" on the side which is a spicy vegetable, noodle mix in sauce with long rice cakes, which is great for the cold.

Organic Macha Green Tea Smoothie
After the meal we cycled to Gong Cha the best place for teas and smoothies of every variety, normally I order a Taro milk bubble tea when I visit, but I was laying off any dairy due to my cough. Instead I ordered a delightful Organic Macha Green Tea Smoothie with a milk foam, I know I just said no dairy but it looked so goooooood, plus I reckon foam was probably better than normal milk itself.

Afterwards, I headed home and spent the rest of Saturday evening continuing my OITNB binge watch whilst munching on Katsu Kim Bob which resulted in me going to sleep at 5.30am just because my cold was keeping me awake and I was so hot even with the fan on. I ended up sleeping through most of today because I am just so Ill still and extremely tired. But here's to a new week, due to my sickness I had to abstain from my 30 Day challenge but I want to start it again from Day 1 again as soon as I am healthy again.

Here's my closing thought for the blog: Is it better to have love and lost? or to not have loved at all?