STEER WELL CLEAR!! Nagwon Feinschule Hagwon in Bonseon-dong in Nam-gu, Gwangju
I worked at Nagwon Feinschule Hagwon in Bonseon-dong in Nam-gu, Gwangju for 1 year 3 months and I will touch on the problems that caused with my visa later on.
I had issues from the get-go. First, off the apartment I was given, I had to share with the principal (FYI The principal is also the owner of the Feinschule franschise). Despite saying the apartment is mine, the other room was full of her stuff and she came and went into my apartment as she pleased and even stayed over despite my protests she couldn’t and me constantly changing the door code. This was extremely stressful and even when I went on vacation and a good friend volunteered to pet sit for the duration of 2 weeks at my apartment, I was told the principal would be staying there and she couldn’t so I had to find another way for someone to pet sit my cat. Which of course was very stressful and infuriating. Not to mention this apartment meant taking 2 buses to get home from work. The principal also used to gossip with the teachers about the cleanliness of my apartment and any male friends who came to see me. The next day all the teachers would know about it.
My time working there was horrendous, they overworked me, changed timetable so often, I got confused about times of classes finishing. I had no support or co-teachers to assist me in my classes and I felt alone and a complete outsider. They had high expectations but hardly any materials to supplement my classes as the principal was very greedy with money and it was clear to see she didn’t want to put money into the Hagwon at all.
The contract means nothing when working for this company, they always made me stay behind after work with no notice, unpaid and they refused to let me go home even If I declined. They also were very forceful in working on weekends and Friday nights mostly. Even when the contract stated 5 unpaid Saturdays, I am certain it was more than that. I was never compensated for any extra work at all. One occasion the teachers ganged up on me and physically blocked the door so I could not leave because I had to stay behind after work which they told me only 3 hours before it took place. Time off work in the contract does not mean anything either. I was meant to be at work at 10am. I was told I had to help on the school bus from 9am and yes that wasn’t paid for overtime. Not to mention they changed the finishing time to 30 minutes later than my contract which I again, did not agree to and was not compensated for either.

My 1-year contract finished and I decided I would stick it for 3 months so I can join the next intake for the public school system. I was shocked when they gave me a 1-year contract, I knew this wasn’t right and when I addressed this with them, they told me it was solely for me leaving the country for vacation for immigration so I can get back in and they would provide me with a new different contract. They never did. I bought what they said and signed and this caused further problems later.
It was time for my departure from the school, they told me I had to provide a 1-year lesson plan for Kindergarten and a 6 month for Elementary. When I submitted it they were still not satisfied. I think this was solely done out of spite, as I cannot fathom to see how that would be necessary.
Before leaving, three teachers knew I was changing to public school, these people made me believe they were my friends, but it was clear to see they were also just as snide and sly as the other teachers. The principal doesn't speak English at all may I add, so these 2 teachers usually had to speak to her on my behalf. This teacher straight up told me she didn’t tell the Principal I was leaving but I was going back to England to study because she won’t release me from the contract otherwise (the 1-year contract signing for a 3-month extension was another way they could blackmail and control me). They later denied this and the teachers believed them over me and said I was a liar.
So I left with my pay but no severance, (they said they would pay that within 2 weeks, it never came) and I went to orientation for 2 weeks with my new job, when it came to going to immigration for my new job it started to become a huge problem. They called the Hagwon, the principal lied and said I had run away. (Which makes no sense as they provided me with a reference letter for that very job). This became an issue, so as one final way to control and spite me the Principal invented up a false scenario. Apparently, the apartment I had stayed at was completely wrecked and cost more than my severance. So, they blackmailed me into getting a release letter if I accept the severance can pay for “damages”. I took them to the labour board and I didn't win either, despite the law stating the school are not to withhold my severance, as that's my money I paid into every month from my pay.
I would highly suggest If you want to stay sane and not be taken advantage of to stay away from this place. I can genuinely say they have affected my mental health severely. So much so when I worked at my next job at a great Public School, I was always on edge I was going to annoy someone or get shouted at because I made a simple mistake, this of course never happened because they treated me like a human being, not like property. I would not wish this place on my worse enemy. Prison labour isn’t this degrading and mentally debilitating.
Considering Korean culture is all about saving face, I was shocked I experienced such humiliation and degrading behaviour, not to mention that Korean’s are private people so it was weird that the Principal wanted to share an apartment with me.
STAY WELL CLEAR OF THIS PLACE!!!! The principal is so drunk with power and greed she will do anything to control you and find ways of avoiding to paying you. I know past teachers and a teacher after me also experienced similar difficulties in pay and their experience of working there.