When You Fall In Love Abroad, By Accident.
So I think this post is way overdue now and I haven't updated this blog in a while. I've had my fair share of ups and downs in my life with my love life, the one that clearly screams out is my past relationship that was of 6 years but I won't go into that, you can read up on our toxic relationship on my other blog 'CherrysLittleSecret', if you even care.But, no, I came here to talk about finding love abroad or in my case it finding me. This isn't the first instance this has happened to me, back in 2014 when I lived in Thailand, I met a guy from my part of London, we spent 2 days together never saw each other again, but it didn't end there, he pursued me for months via messages and phone calls, we got close, I fell in love, (well I thought I did), he was extremely fond of me, we made plans to move away together etc. but things changed we drifted he did try to rekindle us, but frankly I was fed up, (also who falls in love with someone they have literally only spent 48 hours with and shared a couple of kisses and held hands.) He was my pipe dream of what I wanted, but it wasn't realistic, I'm a realist and I knew from the beginning what I was getting myself into, it was him who was deluded, despite all this, I felt strong feelings, I told him I loved him (what I thought was love) but he never said it back and that's when I knew, I had to remove him from my life so that was what I did. For a long time I just couldn't be close to anyone anymore, he destroyed my perceptions of what love was along with every guy I had encountered until I met this one special person.

Well until a few weeks later we met again at work funnily enough, our school visited his school for a school trip. Lol I am not sure I have ever told him this but when I walked into that room and he was just stood there, I was so drawn to him, he was so attractive and there was something about him I don't know like an air of mystery (lol it sounds cliché but it's true), I genuinely didn't want to stop looking at him, without looking like a stalker weirdo freak. Lol even the thought crossed my mind, theoretically what would it be like if we ever dated, but I dismissed the thought at the time I thought was absurd.
Now, if you know me well I won't approach dude's I am attracted to unless I have acquired that special type of confidence when drinking. I was so nervous to say hi, but somehow I really don't know how but, I said hi and we spoke a lot, I even found myself flirting with him like a school girl. Which also had the Korean teachers from my school asking me questions of how I know him and stuff, I guess it was obvious.
The following week we saw each other again because we had to split the kids in 2 groups to visit the place. He said he would add me on fb, but I decided to add him (with a lot of apprehension) because yes I was still really nervous, but I eventually told myself I'm overthinking it and just bit the bullet.

The time it became a realisation was when I was getting close to other guys because we were both still single and I never wanted to make him feel as though he had to stay loyal to me we weren't dating. I remember this clear as day, he was drunk after work and he told me he didn't like it when I was dancing with a guy, I just thought it was drunk talk and didn't take notice. I did however stop, because yes we weren't a couple but I'm not a monster. We had a few awkward mishaps because I clearly wasn't on the same page, I still refused to believe he wanted more than friendship.
A few months following that which at the time was July (the month of my birthday) he asked me to be his girlfriend and then it fell into place, it took us a while, well me, because I'm an awkward S.O.B, when I say a while, I mean a whiiiiiiiiile, to be comfortable and more myself and be more girlfriend-y. He even gave me this extravagant birthday gift of roses and this cute bunny (we named him Gary the Anal Bunny) like I dunno how much more romantic and boyfriend-y you could get but I was still taking time to open up. It was still great but It took me a while to accept this dude wasn't gonna hurt me. All was great for a while, but me being me something else had to make me all weird and awkward and questioning...
So of course when you date someone, how do you know when is the right time to tell someone you love them? I fucked it up with the last guy and I vowed I would never tell a guy first again, If a guy wants to tell me then I know it's the right time. I felt it for so long but I was so afraid he wouldn't say anything (I seem to have a track record for guys doing that) or worse be like "I think it's too early to decide that yet." This ate away at me for months, to the point it literally was plaguing my thoughts and turning me insane. There was this opportunity I could have said it, but last minute I chickened out because I couldn't get these words to escape my mouth.

So yeah it's possible for holiday romances and yes even possible for long distance relationships, the last guy we were a thing for about 2 years before we called it quits, but that was it, it was a thing, not a relationship not anything. I'm glad things didn't work out with the last guy because I found my best friend and my soul mate, I love him and I have no regrets coming to Korea, to think I was going to leave after one year for a guy I spent 48 hours with, but instead I changed my mind and stayed because of him, yes he was the reason I decided to extend 3 months and then join a public school. I couldn't leave him behind not after the bond we built.
That's the end of my story and we lived happily ever after, blah blah blah. THE END.
Cherry x